Thursday, July 14, 2011

So...I Heard You're Up For A Little Thing Called...A Challenge??

     Motivation!! Where are you?? Yea, I heard you saying that to yourself the other day. Nothing gets past this trainer! Well, don’t let it get the best of you. If you haven’t found that SPARK of motivation yet, I’m here to help. I’m not going to give you the option of being or not being motivated, I’m going to CHALLENGE you to MAKE yourself motivated for the next 30 days. (Believe it or not, motivation IS a choice)
     You will be required to perform certain exercises ever day which will approximately take up 30 minutes of your time…and on some days, you will be required to do more, but it’s nothing that you guys can’t handle. You will be required to participate in posting so that we all still know you are out there, challenging yourself…and I will also ask for a before and after picture . At the end of 30 days you will write a short summary of your 30 day experience and tell me how you feel you have changed. I will choose an overall winner based on how much you guys participate, your stories, and your results. The winner will receive a personalized meal plan (based on the food YOU like) and a personalized workout routine based on their needs and goals.
     Things you will need to do: On day one you will need to perform all the required exercises (which are to be done every day) and you will need to record your results. I want those results posted under the blog so that we all know where you are starting. It doesn’t matter if you aren’t very good because it’s improvement that we are looking for!
      I will also need you to send me a before picture of yourself to . I do want to see skin, but keep it appropriate! I will not post any inappropriate pictures!
     You also need to print out this 30 day challenge and keep it somewhere safe. That way you can prepare for the following day and make time for your needed activities to be completed.
     In this blog I have posted several exercises which you are to perform. IF you are not familiar with the exercise, please use Google images to find a picture of the exercise or use YouTube to watch someone do it… that way you can perform the exercise efficiently and safely. And of course, if you ever have questions…you ask me anytime! I am challenging you guys to really TAKE THAT STEP and get on track to making yourself fit! Life isn’t ONLY about overcoming challenges, but learning from them too so you can apply that knowledge in the future. Make the choice today to take one step forward…it’s only one step afterall =D Good luck and I look forward to meeting you all very soon through posts, pictures, and emails! Show me and everyone else around you that YOU are the one who is ready to change your life…today!


Things you will be doing everyday:
Push-ups for 2 min  (On your knees is fine)
Sit-ups for 2 min (Legs straight out, try to sit all the way up if possible…if not, start where you can)
20 min. of cardio (You choose whatever type of cardio you like…walking, biking, elliptical, etc… but you will stick with this for the next 30 days, everyday…so make sure you like it!)

Day 1: Do your push-ups, sit-ups, and 20 min. of cardio (your choice of cardio, but you have to stick with it! That way we can see improvements!)  Record the number of push-ups and sit-ups you did along with how much distance you covered during your twenty minutes of cardio. Now…take a picture! We can’t see results if we can’t see you! Men…take your shirts off! Women, wear a sports bra! We want to see the most of you while still being appropriate…so while we don’t want to see ALL you have to offer…take it off!

Day 2: Drink at least 64 oz of water today. I know it’s tough for some people to get enough liquids, but water helps flush out built up toxins in our body which often are detrimental to our fitness goals. We want to be at our best everyday and to do so; we need to take extra effort in doing the basics such as…drinking water!  (If you have a camelback water bottle let me see you post: Yeaaaaa!)

Day 3: Today I want you to take time to stretch out all your stressed out muscles. 30 minutes of stretching today and not a minute less! Remember, you can stretch more than your arms and legs!
Neck, Back, Obliques, Shoulders, Hip Flexors, Glutes, Thighs, Hamstrings, Calves, Triceps, Biceps, Pectorals, Abdominals, Adductors, IT band, and hey…don’t forget to give your mind a stretch too =D

Day 4: Get outside and exercise! In addition to your 20 minutes of exercise, I’d like you to take an extra 20 and get some fresh air. You have 3 options: Take a walk, a jog, or a bike ride. One of these should be noted as being done today. If you already do cardio outside, good for you! Switch it up now and take a bike ride or take a fast paced walk. Just because you’re already outside, doesn’t mean you can’t do something new!

Day 5: Music is motivation. Some people put their iPod on shuffle or just don’t use any music at all. Today I want you to CREATE a specific playlist including songs that really motivate you to move. Music can make you just THAT much more successful. People with music tend to perform better and I want performance from you guys! Share your lists with us, we all want to know what works for you too!

Day 6: Rah Rah Rah! Go out and get your sports fanatic side on! I don’t care if you are playing tag, soccer, catch, or even swimming. I want you to be active today and take part in a sport that you used to play when you were younger or in a sport you haven’t played in a long time. You may say, “I don’t play sports” ….Well, even if you aren’t a sports fanatic…take a ball outside and toss it around or play tag with a 5 year old…something that will cause you to move in a way that you are not used to. You’ll be surprised at the muscles you feel tomorrow from the game you play today. Go!
Day 7: Excuse me, are you really still drinking soda and eating your daily bag of lays? Well, today I challenge you to eat healthy. It’s only one day! =D Turn those white breads brown and choose the baked lays instead. Add fruits and vegetables, and don’t forget to eat clean proteins. (Chicken, Tofu, Fish, etc.)
Let me know how you feel at the end of the day! Do you have more energy? Do you feel less bloated? I want to know! (And don’t forget to drink water!!)

Day 8: Intervals! Today for your 20 minutes of cardio…I want you to still do the same type (whichever you have chosen) but do it in intervals. For example, go as fast as you can for 1 min and then go back to your normal pace for 2 min. Or if you are out on the road walking or jogging…try jogging for 2 minutes and then walking for 2 minutes. Whatever you are doing, I want you to interval-it-up! How does it feel different from what you’ve been doing?

Day 9: I like to move it, move it…move it! Today you will adding the following exercises into your day:
1 min: Jumping Jacks
1 min: Squats (with or without weights, depends on your fitness level)
1 min: Mountain Climbers (if you don’t know what these are, youtube or google them!)
1 min: Arm circles (With or without weights, depends on your fitness level)
1 min: Knee Lifts (1 leg at a time, knee as high as you can, alternating. With or without weights)

Do this circuit 4 times . That should add 20 minutes of exercise to your day. If you have to rest in between circuits, that’s okay. If some of the exercises are too difficult, modify them, but I want you moving for every minute I have put down here.

Day 10: Motivating is motivation! Today I want you to motivate someone else to get fit! Whether you take them on a walk or jog with you or talk to them about how to improve their eating habits…when you motivate others you motivate yourself. Get someone involved in being healthy!

Day 11: Mile day! Whatever cardio you are doing, I want you to get the first mile in as fast as you can. After that you can slow it down and go back to a normal pace, but for the first mile you are going to push yourself. Post your mile times and what your goal for the future is!

Day 12: Turn your home into a workout zone! Go through your house and set heavy objects in inconvenient places. Take large cans of food or heavy books and set them in places where you will need to move them. Doing this throughout the day will give your muscles some extra stimulation and hopefully you will burn some extra calories!

Day 13: Tight schedule? Today I want you to make a schedule for yourself, even if you haven’t been struggling to get in your exercise time. If you sit down and MAKE time for your exercise in your daily planner, then there will be no excuse for you to miss it. Find the time of the day when it’s easiest for you to get in some physical exertion! No excuses!

Day 14: Just a little bit farther! Today you are going to park at the farthest end of the parking lot, take the stairs, and speed up your pace where ever and whenever you can. The extra distance and kick in your step will burn some extra calories and get you that much closer to your goal of being FIT.

Day 15: Don’t give up! We are halfway there. Today you will assess your improvements. How has your distance improved on your cardio? Are you doing more push-ups or sit-ups? How can you improve still? Are you having trouble getting in all the exercise you need? Sit down and make sure you have a game plan for the next 15 days. I want to know what results you have seen so far! Post! Post! POST!

Day 16: Oh squats! So far we’ve been doing exercise everyday for over two weeks…so our legs and body should be getting conditioned. Today I want you to accomplish 100 squats throughout your day. What’s the problem? Not up for the challenge? Yes you are! This is a fitness challenge! You can break them up into 10 sets of 10 or 5 sets of 20 or bust all 100 out at the same time. Do them just normal or add some weights to make it more difficult. 100! I expect nothing less! Let me know how it goes! Every day you should be posting! =D

Day 17: Antioxidants! They help us clean out the toxins in our body and make it easier for our body to perform the tasks it’s supposed to. It can aid with water retention, weight loss, rebuilding our muscles after fatiguing them, and just plain ole, making us feel better. Today your focus is to get them into your diet. They can be found in the following: Green tea, Red and Pinto beans, Fresh berries, Olive Oil, Pecans, Walnuts, Kale, Cabbage, Spinach, Prunes, Raisins, Russet potatoes, and yes, even dark chocolate. There are other foods containing them, but these should get you started. Good luck! Post on which foods you decided to add to your diet!

Day 18: What in the plank!  That’s right. Plankin’ it out all day long today. If you have to use your knees, that’s fine! All I want is a good, sturdy plank from each and every one of you. However, not just one, but 3. Hold each plank as long as you can…and let me know what your longest time was! If you aren’t sure what a plank is, google it. Knees down or up, it’s fine…but get some plankin’ time in!

Day 19: Prepare to be cross trained! Today you will take your 20 minutes and make them into 21. You have 3 sets of 7 minutes to do each type of cardio. I want you to choose three types of cardio: Biking, jogging, walking, elliptical, jump roping, stairs, jumping side to side, knee lifts, dancing, ect. Choose three exercises and you will do each for 7 minutes. Each 7 minutes should be intense and you should be pushing yourself on that specific type of cardio as hard as you can. DO NOT take breaks in between exercises, move from one exercise to the next. Post which types of cardio you have chosen today!

Day 20: THR33 HUNDRED Workout!
#1: Squats with weights (if you don’t have any, pick up some books or soup cans!)
#2: Reverse Crunch
#3: Mountain Climbers
#4: Power Bridge Exercise
#5: Arm Circles

You will do 20 repetitions of each exercise and you will do three sets of the circuit. Most everyone should be capable of doing these exercises. If for some reason you have an injury or something, then modify the exercise to meet your needs…don’t just give up on doing it all together. Good luck! Remember to get in your push-ups, sit-ups, and cardio today too!

Day 21: Nutrition is key when changing your body. Some of you out there eat too much or maybe you don’t each enough. Today I want you to write out 5 meals for yourself and try your best to fit them all in. It should include breakfast, lunch, and dinner and 2 snacks. Make your choices healthy…remember you are in control of your eating habits…so make sure yours are in check! Post ANY questions you have about food!

Day 22: Sometimes we forget that changing our bodies and getting results doesn’t ONLY include the number on the scale. Make a list of ALL the improvements you’ve made over the last 3 weeks. Do you feel happier? Are you losing inches? Have you gained strength? Have you become more motivated? Make a list of EVERY improvement you can think of. POST IT! We want to know! And then post it on your refrigerator or desk…so you’re reminded of them every day.

Day 23: I-S-O-L-A-T-I-O-N!! Today you will master the technique of isolation doing the following exercises: Squats, Push-ups, and Sit Ups
These exercises will be in addition to the ones that you have been doing daily. However, you will do 10 repetitions of each exercise and 3 sets. Squats: 4 seconds down, 2 seconds in the squat position, 1 second to return to a standing position. 10 times. Push ups (on your knees if need be): 4 seconds down, 2 seconds at the bottom, 1 second to pop back up. 10 times. Sit Ups: 4 seconds up (as high as you can raise up), 2 seconds at the top, 1 second to get back to a laying position. 10 times.
Your muscles should burn a little bit and will feel fatigued sooner than usual. This is what we want; this is what we’re looking for =D

Day 24: Ready! Set! TIME! Our workout yesterday was all about isolation, so today we will focus on time. Sometimes it is better to go not by a count but by time, it mixes things up and you will feel your muscles being fatigued in a way that isn’t your normal everyday “tired”. If you have weights, great. If not, go pick up soup cans or rocks, or whatever you can, because today we need some resistance. Each exercise will be performed for one minute. Do the exercise with speed, but with proper form. Do not rest in between exercises; however you can rest in between circuits. Perform the circuit 3 times.
Bicep Curls
Triceps Extension
Shoulder Press
Chest Press (Lay down on the ground or on a bench for this)
Dumbbell Row (or soup can row, whatever you happen to have)
Alternating Lunges (Or you can do squats if lunges are too hard on your knees, but TRY first!)

Day 25: Plan an outing. You may not be able to do it today because it is short notice, but I want you to plan an outing either by yourself or with friends…but I want you outside and I want you doing something physical! Maybe it’s a bike ride, rock climbing, taking a hike, or even a game of tennis. Whatever you choose to do, I want you to be physical, I want you to sweat because you’re doing an activity your body isn’t used! The more we change up our daily activities, the better results we are bound to find! Once you have it all planned out, POST your idea or your plan and WHO you will be doing it with so that others can be inspired or read what you are planning on doing! Post it!

Day 26: Stress plays a huge role in our lives unfortunately, so today I want you to make sure you relax yourself (Sorry, you still need to do your daily exercises!). IF possible, I want each and every one of you to do some yoga. That’s right. I don’t care if you look like Arnold and are a lean, mean 250 pound muscle machine…I want you to try some yoga. Breath deep, clear your thoughts, and relax your body. Without relaxation once in a while our bodies can’t get the results we want. You can find yoga classes at your local gym, clips on YouTube, or they even have videos at blockbuster. If you can’t fit Yoga in, I do expect you to take at least 15 minutes to meditate, clear your thoughts, and get some good relaxation in today for your mind and body. Post today on HOW you found relaxation!

Day 27: Goal Setting. Our challenge is almost up, but your journey doesn’t stop here. I want you to set five goals that you will plan on accomplishing within the following 30 days after our challenge ends. It is important to always have goals in mind and always be striving to accomplish something new. Post your 5 new goals today…discuss them, and tweak them until they are perfect for YOU and your NEXT 30 days!

Day 28: Abs-ession! People today only think about how to get their waist line smaller. Well, diet and exercise will do that, but it is important to have a good, strong core too. Today that will be our focus. The stronger our core is, the better our workouts will be, the less injury we will be susceptible too, and the more calories we will burn. You will do 20 repetitions of each exercise and 3 sets of the circuit. You can do them with or without weights…but if you are up to the challenge grab something heavy and rip those abs!
#1: Russian Twist
#2: Leg Lifts
#3: Bicycle Crunch
#4: Hip Thrust
#5: Butterfly Crunch

Day 29: Edu-ma-cate yourself! Alright, I know…that is the point of you reading this blog! You’re trying to educate yourself, which…great! That is what I like to hear! However, exercise is like a language...the more words you know, the more fluent you become…well with exercise, the more exercises you know, the better your workouts become! I want everyone to research 2 new exercises…2 that they have never tried before or never seen…and I want you to post on them! Post the name, how they could be useful to your workout, and how you plan on incorporating them into your workouts! Always try and educate yourself because the more you know the better results you will have. So, get at it! Let me know your NEW exercises! And post, post, post them!

Day 30: CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve made it! Today is the last day of the challenge and you have successfully made it. Today you will need to reassess yourself. Do your push-ups, sit-ups and 20 minutes of cardio…then compare your results with your beginning results and record your improvements. I want to know all the improvements you’ve made, I want to know how you feel now that you have successfully accomplished 30 days on the right track to changing your life! Send your personal stories to me with before and after pictures and let me decide who really set out to change their life during these past 30 days.

     I hope that you guys complete this challenge and find your weaknesses and strengths while participating. There might be days where you don’t FEEL like participating, but motivate yourself to be motivated! It’s a choice! Remember that! Your performance may vary from day to day, but as long as you are TRYING to keep with it, then you are doing what you have set out to do. Remember:

Now, go get your challenge on! Until next time! -Natalie

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I'm Stressed && Quite Frankly...It's Stressin' Me Out!

     Summer is the time when we are supposed to find relaxation between the early sunrise and late sundown, but for some of us it just doesn’t happen that way.  There are many reasons why we get stressed…maybe you are a secret agent and you are constantly under pressure to keep secrets and live a double life. However, you could just be that normal guy who swallows fire and knives for your 9-5 job and well, since you can’t mess up…ever, that stresses you out a lot. Or maybe, you are the Queen of England and all the demands of your people are just getting to you. I’m not sure, it may be your job, it may be family, it could even be friends…but whatever it is that is stressing you out, unfortunately, it will also stress your body out and you will begin to see physical changes the longer you stay under that stress.
     What physical changes am I talking about? Well, I am sure that many of you have heard of Cortisol and if you haven’t, it is the hormone that our bodies release under stress. This hormone is often referred to as the “fight or flight” hormone because that is what it is supposed to help us do, yet if instead we sit around and let the stress stir…let it fester inside of us, our cortisol levels stay high. Cortisol tends to stay in the body for a longer time than other hormones so, if you are constantly under stress and you aren’t doing much to contain it, you will most likely maintain these high levels of cortisol.
     When the body produces cortisol it responds to stress by fueling the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates into energy, and urging the body to create insulin to control blood glucose levels which leaves us feeling hungry as our bodies try to replenish those nutrients. If we allow these cortisol levels to be high and we sit around being stressed, what most people tend to do is eat and they usually eat foods high in calories because they are left with a hungry feeling due to the energy that was spent to secret the hormone. What does that mean to you? Well…have you ever looked down at your waist and realized that you while you used to have a little pooch you now have a spare tire…and not the kind of spare tire you use for your bicycle, a spare tire that you might pull off of your Ford F150 sitting in your backyard. Yes, it’s a little depressing and yes IT IS stressful when we realize that our bodies are in this physical state.
     When we are stressed it affects our mood, energy levels, motivation, and we feel that one million things are piling up which have to get done. It is here that we substitute the time we used to use for the gym and use it towards “getting things done”. While putting all our energy towards our list of things to do, our energy levels drop and our stress levels rise and to try and balance this equation we often open the fridge and reach for the heaviest carbohydrate we can get our hands on. Maybe you prefer pasta or ice cream or even a Hershey’s bar, but whatever it is, it is only a temporary fix to raise your energy levels only to leave you crashing an hour later. What do we do when we crash? We reach for another carb. It’s an endless and vicious cycle if we let ourselves get caught up in it…so let’s not let that happen. Let’s set our priorities straight and see if we can’t show stress who is boss.

 #1. You think you don’t have time to get to the gym, but you do. If you have a busy week and you are stressed, no one ever said you had to spend two hours a day at the gym. No, you can get in 20 minutes of cardio which would be enough to release some endorphins into your system, get you feeling better, and you could be on your way. I won’t suggest that you only and ever do a routine of 20 minutes of cardio a day, but if you have a busy week, it would allow you to still get to the gym, spend much less time there, lower your stress level, and help you stay healthy. If you knew that you could be less stressed by spending only 20 minutes a day on yourself, would you do it? Come on! Your showers take longer than 20 minutes!

#2. When stress levels are high we are much more tempted to eat food that we normally would think twice about. When we are stressed we usually feel hungrier and because our mind is working on a different level, we don’t stop to think of what the consequence may be if we eat that big piece of chocolate cake or take that extra helping of chicken alfredo. I can’t say that your cravings for these foods will necessarily disappear just because you are doing exercise…but people that tend to do exercise tend to make better decisions when it comes to food. The best way I can prepare you for these cravings is to tell you to prepare yourself. If you know that you are becoming stressed and you feel that you are having cravings, you must take action in surrounding yourself with good options. Since carbs are really sugar to our body, you can find these same sugars by taking some fresh fruit and cutting it up into small pieces. The more pieces you have, the more you feel you are eating. When you get a craving for some ice cream or chocolate, you can instead reach for the fruit. The fruit has sugar which our body is telling us we need, but it has fewer calories. The sugar in the fruit should help subside your craving and it should contain enough sugar that your energy level will raise. Hopefully by giving yourself a better option such as this, you can avoid the big bowl of Ben and Jerry’s and opt for the fresh plate of apples and bananas. (Or whichever fruit you prefer =D )

#3. I am aware that one factor which can amplify stress levels is sleep. It is not always possible to get enough hours of sleep when we feel that we have so much to do. So, what are our other options when a good night’s rest is not one of them? You need to take time to stop, breath, and relax. This can take as few as 5 minutes or if you have the time, you could take 10 or 15. You must devote at least 5 minutes every few hours to just stop, walk away from your stress, and breathe.  Ever heard of the “Count back from 10” rule? Well, it works. Try closing your eyes, breathing deep from your diaphragm, and counting back from 10 nice and slow. It sounds funny and it may seem like it won’t do much, but if you allow yourself to clear your mind every few hours, it gives your body a break from the constant stress you feel you are under. Don’t deny yourself the time to disengage ever so often; it will make a big difference in how you feel at the end of the day. Meditation and deep breathing, shoulder rolling, and even stretching can all help you feel less stressed. What is my favorite way to get all this in? Yoga. Nevertheless, I understand that some of you don’t have that much time that you can devote to a yoga class…so then you can just practice the “Count back from 10” rule…but please, GIVE YOURSELF TIME TO BREATHE!

     The easiest part of being stressed is allowing yourself to be stressed. We are all guilty of it and it is very easy to let stress overwhelm us. However, while it may seem that you will be less stressed if you DON’T go to the gym today, don’t listen to that little voice inside your head. Exercising will give you energy, endorphins, you’ll feel better about yourself, and you will most likely make better food choices. If you are stressed this week and get on the scale next week only to find you have gained 5 pounds, the stress will start all over again. We have to find a way to remember that it is important to always maintain a good relationship with our little friend called exercise. Our bodies were made to move, made to expend energy…and when we do what we are meant to do, we function and feel better. In this world today it’s hard to keep up, it’s hard to not get stressed…and there will always be days where you DO feel stressed. Nevertheless, what is important is how you react to that stress and how you use exercise as a tool to control it.
     At this very moment you may feel stressed about being stressed…so, stop for a minute. Close your eyes (after you read this), take a deep breath, and realize that you hold the power to control what you’re feeling. All you have to do is make a commitment to feel better. How can you do that? Hit the gym or take a quick jog around the block. I guarantee you that once you do, you won’t be able to help it… you will just find yourself feeling better. Don’t let stress get the best of you or of your fitness goals. You and I are on a mission to get you one step closer to being who you want to be…so do me a favor and give me a break, take my advice and once you have, I’ll take it from there :)  Remember,

So…go succeed! Until next time! -Natalie

Friday, July 1, 2011

I Want To Get Away This Summer Without My Waistline Getting Away From Me

     Some of you are probably thinking that I fell off the map and I was never to return…well, I may have fallen off the map for a minute, but I’ve returned. For the last few months I’ve been traveling all over Europe…I’ve experienced a lot in such a short period of time and although it’s been good, I am glad to be back.
     While I was in Europe it wasn’t always easy to find the appropriate time to take a run or even a safe place to go out and do some cardio, it was difficult to keep the same routine…but since I’ve traveled places before, I planned on it being a challenge to keep in shape. What’s life without a few challenges? Challenges are what make us stronger and if we are always trying to overcome these challenges, it is at that point where we win. We win by trying and even if we don’t succeed, we have still succeeded by putting out the effort to try.
     It’s summer time and I know that a lot of you will be taking vacations soon and so I know that many of you will be dealing with the same challenge I faced. You will be in a place that you may not be able to take a run, you will have a different diet, and you may just feel less motivated than usual to get out there and sweat. Even so, I expect nothing less from you than an honest attempt to keep up with your fitness goals.
     To stay in shape, cardio is not NECESSARY. Is it good? Yes. Do I suggest it? Yes. However, you can get by for a few weeks or even maybe a couple months without doing it as often as you are used to. For those of you who aren’t trying to lose, yet trying to gain…I can’t promise you will gain while you’re off in paradise, but you can at least try and maintain those precious muscles you have worked so hard to get.
How can you do it you ask? How can you find the motivation to be…motivated? No worries, I’m
back! I’m here to help. 
     Everyone knows that having a cardio routine is good, but as we’ve talked about before, it’s not essential to run hours and hours on the treadmill to get to your goal. Cardio is great for burning a high amount of calories in a short period of time, but it only elevates your RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate) for about 2-3 hours after your workout…which is great, you will burn calories even after your run, bikeride, etc…but what if I told you that you can do that for 2-3 DAYS after your workout? It is said that 50-70% of all calories burned during your day are attributed to your RMR, so if we can raise your RMR for days at a time, then we will be more successful in burning a higher amount of calories and more successful in burning fat. I know that you can all see WHY that would be important and so now let’s apply that WHY to HOW it would useful to us while vacationing. On vacation it is quite possible that you may not be able to get in a good workout everyday and as far as I’m concerned…that’s okay! You are on vacation, you should give yourself a little R&R time, however that doesn’t mean that we should completely drop the ball. If we do a workout and raise our RMR for the next few days, if we miss a day of working out, it will be okay because our body will still be burning away at those calories due to the workout you had done the day before. That is why it is important to do exercises in which we burn calories not just today but tomorrow and the day after.
     Multi-joint exercises which use more than one muscle group are what I am going to ask you to focus on. These exercises will use up energy from different groups of muscles, leaving your muscles fighting for energy, fighting for the chance to repair themselves…which in turn, raises your RMR because your body continues to do work after you have called it a day. I know, why didn’t they tell you this years ago, right?
     Since we are assuming that you are on vacation, don’t expect to be doing any fancy exercises with any extra pieces of equipment. I am going to only give you the most basic of basic routines which probably includes exercises that you already know…however, just because they are simple exercises, DON’T believe that they CAN’T work for you because they CAN! So, here we go! Vacation working exercises here we come!

1. Bodyweight squats – Weight Loss : 15-20 reps / Weight Maintain: 8-12 reps
2. Floor Mountain Climbers – 30 seconds of high-speed foot shuffling
3. Bodyweight walking lunges – Weight Loss: 15 steps one direction, turn around, 15 steps the other direction/ Weight Maintain: 10-12 steps one direction, turn around, 10-12 the other direction
4. Pushups (You can use knees if needed) – Weight Loss: 15-20 reps / Weight Management: 10-15 reps
5. Low Plank (on your elbows) – 30 sec-90 sec depending on your capability
6. Jumping Jacks – 1 min of high-speed jacks

     Repeat this circuit twice each time you do it for the first two weeks. After that, you can go over the circuit 3-5 times to get a more intense full body workout. Take no rest between exercises in the circuit, but take 1-2 minutes of rest after completing each circuit. Remember, this small routine is to be used while on a busy schedule or while away from your normal workout routine. Your body will adapt to these exercises quickly and you aren’t going to see results from this for forever…but it will do the trick while you’re out exploring the reefs of Australia or learning Chinese while visiting the Great Wall of China.
     If you are an advanced athlete and believe that this routine would be too easy for you, well I hate to tell you, but you’re wrong. You can take any routine and modify it to fit your own personal athletic abilities. If body weight exercises just aren’t going to cut it for you, pick up a few books and try doing the same squats or throw a kid on your back, that should be challenging enough. There are many ways to take simple exercises and make them more difficult and if that’s what you’re in need of, I am sure that you will find a way to spice up this routine.
I encourage each and every one of you to continue with your fitness goals whenever and wherever possible. This routine will only take 20 minutes or less out of your day…and if you do it, you will save yourself hours at the gym trying to get BACK to where you once WERE before you went off to visit Antarctica and its penguins.
     Motivation comes from within…and it’s not always something that we feel, it’s more of a choice. You may not feel motivated, but in all reality, it’s something that you decide to be. You either motivate yourself or you don’t…it’s not always going to be an overwhelming feeling that will rock your world. Sometimes you have to rock your own world ;) Good luck with all your vacations and keeping up with your fitness goals. I am back on the map and you can expect more from me soon…but until then, take hold of your motivation and take hold of your goals! Remember:

You Only Fail When You Stop Trying To Succeed!!

Until Next Time! -Natalie

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I Was Wandering Around When I Saw Some...Weights? What Do I Do With Them??

Two Scenarios:
Jill is a client who is 27 years old and looking to lose about 35 pounds. She has recently signed a contract with a trainer, Bob, who is going to put her on a 12 week program. Today is their first session.
Bob: Hi Jill, how are you doing today? Please tell me in detail what goals you’d like to accomplish within the next 12 weeks.
Jill: Oh Bob, I just plan on losing all this weight. I want to do as much cardio as I can and eat around 1,000 calories a day. My friend did it and she lost a lot of weight…so since it worked for her that is what I would like to try as well. Now, if you can just tell me how much cardio to do…I could get started!
Bob: Well unfortunately, that plan doesn’t sound like a very successful one. With doing excessive amounts of cardio you put yourself in danger of losing muscle mass, especially while on a low calorie diet and that is not going to be what we want if we are looking for long-term results. Losing muscle mass would stop you from burning high amounts of calories during the day…which means it will take us even longer to get you to your goal.
Jill: I don’t care if I lose fat or muscle loss, I just want to lose weight!
Bob: Well, let me explain to you the difference. If you lose muscle, it is true, you might become smaller…but your body will look the same. If you have love handles now, they will still be there in 12 weeks. What we need to do is put you on a balanced program of cardio and resistance training.
Jill: RESISTANCE TRAINING? No! I can’t do that! I don’t want huge muscles and my legs are already big enough. I can’t lift weights, I will end up looking like a man! No Bob, there has to be another way.
Marcus  is a 35 year old who isn’t overweight or underweight. He is of normal stature and just wants to improve his physique. He is looking to tone up and become more athletic. Yesterday he signed a 6 week contract with Amanda, an experienced trainer who specializes in kicking butt. Today is their first session.
Amanda: Hey Marcus, are you ready for today? Let’s talk about your goals for our program and we’ll see what I can do to help accomplish them.
Marcus: Well, I am not looking to lose 20 pounds or even gain 15. I only want to change my physique. I want to look good with my shirt off and I want my abs to be awesome. However, I can’t lift weights Amanda. In the past I have tried this and the only thing that happens to me is that I get huge! I don’t want to look like Arnold and that is basically what happens, so we need to avoid that at all cost. I also can’t do any cardio because I drop weight fast and while I don’t want to look like Arnold I also don’t want to look like Urkel…please just tell me what to do.
Amanda: Well Marcus, I think that one problem we are having with you and your goals is that you have a lot of misconceptions about cardio and also about weight training. Just because you lift weights doesn’t mean you are going to turn out like Arnold…and just because you get on a treadmill once in a while doesn’t mean you are going to end up weighing 95 pounds. There is always a method behind the madness…all we have to do is decide which path of cardio and weight training is best for your goals. But let me assure you…you should never be afraid of anything that is inside the gym. Everything that is there is there to help you get to your goal, you only have to know how to utilize it.
Marcus: Alright, I’m trusting you. When do we start?

Both of these clients had personal goals that sounded reasonable, however their ideas of how to get to them were not. Many people enter the gym, look around and instantly decide what pieces of equipment will successfully help them get to their goal while at the same time crossing off many different types of equipment without even giving it a chance or knowing how it works. The most often that I see this happen with are the free weights and weight machines. People actually get scared that they are going to walk out of the gym looking like a body builder if at any time they add resistance training to their program. Let me ask a quick question…have you ever looked yourself in the mirror and actually said to yourself, “Wow, my arms are 19 inches around, I need to lay off the bicep curls” ? If you have, I am surprised. Most people do not gain a significant amount of size unless they are actually trying to gain muscle specifically. In fact, gaining muscle is quite difficult. Ask the thousands of people who eat 7,000 calorie diets and pump iron for 3 hours a day just trying to gain 10 pounds of muscle. However, people are convinced that they are going to get huge and “that’s the last thing they want”. Well, guess what? I’m going to ask you to get over that misconception right now. Ready? Okay great. Are you over it yet? Perfect. Now, let me explain to you the difference between getting toned and getting “huge”.

Ladies: You are the guiltiest of hating weights. I have had so many women tell me that they don’t want to lift weights because they don’t want to get all “muscular” and do you know what I reply? Look at me. Does it look like my biceps are about to burst out of my sleeves? How about my legs? Are they the size of tree trunks? No, they aren’t. Do I lift weights every day? Well…yes, yes I do.
Men: Stop thinking that you are going to look like Arnold if you pick up a weight. Unless you dedicate your life to weight lifting, supplements, and eating…that probably will never happen J Sorry. You can still lift weights and look how you want without gaining 40 pounds of muscle.
Free weights and weight machines are NOT the culprits! Who is? You are! Whether you tone up or gain size all depends on your routine, it depends on repetitions, and it also depends on diet. Yep, that’s right…you CAN use those things in the back of your gym J Did you just get excited? Awesome.  Now let’s discuss which path you should take to get to your goal.


When toning up, the most important part of your routine should be to count your repetitions. I see people go out onto the floor, do 4 sets of 10 repetitions and then complain to me about their legs getting too big. To keep your muscle lean and long you need to do high repetition at about 3 sets each. For example, bicep curls…three sets of curls at 15-20 repetitions each would not make you gain size on your arms. The key to toning is to fatigue the muscle with high repetition. A lot of people tell me that in order to get toned they aren’t going to lift over a 10 pound weight…well…that’s silly! You can lift as much as you want as long as you get in the range of 15-20 repetitions. So in the case of toning, don’t think about the weight you are lifting, but the amount of times you are lifting it. Here is a very basic full body workout which can be used for toning. However, since it is a full body work out, it will be necessary to lift one day and then take the following day to either rest or get cardio in. Do not lift two days in a row! Your body needs time to recuperate.


Push Ups -20 times
Squats-20 times/ 10 lb weights in each hand
Sitting, overhead dumbbell shoulder press- 20 times/3-5 lb weights in each hand
Forward, Alternating Lunges-20 times each leg/5-8 lb weights in each hand
Bicep Curls- 20 times/8-10 lb weights in each hand
Overhead triceps extension- 20 times/5-8lb weight
Side Lunges-20 times each leg/5-8 lb weights in each hand
Dumbbell Row-20 times/8-10 lb weights in each hand

This is a very basic routine which could be used for anyone. Each exercise should be performed once before starting the circuit again. So for example, you would do 20 push-ups followed by 20 squats…etc. After you have completed one set of each exercise you start again at the beginning to perform the second set of each exercise. I suggest 3-4 sets for each exercise. By moving from one exercise to the next you give each particular muscle group a chance to rest and recuperate before performing the exercise again. The weights I have suggested would probably be for someone who is beginning. However, you can use whatever weight you want. If you want do bicep curls with 20 lb weights…then go for it J However, make sure that you can fulfill all the sets and reps with the weight you choose. If you can’t, lower the weight and gradually add weight each time you do the routine.


When trying to gain muscle, it is more important to pay attention to small details when writing up a routine. You need to consider reps, number of exercises which you include, resting periods, and muscle groups. If you are seriously trying to gain size then you need to spread your routines out specifically by muscle groups. For example, you may want to do something like this: Monday-Legs, Tuesday-Biceps and Shoulders, Wednesday-Chest, Thursday-Legs, Friday-Back and triceps, Saturday-Rest, Sunday-Rest or 20 to 60 min cardio.  There is a lot of debate on if you should work back and triceps or shoulders and biceps together, but no matter what order you work them, you will always be getting a secondary workout in…so in my opinion and in the opinion of many others, it is okay to pair the muscle groups as according. Now, if you do not have enough time to get 5 days in a week at the gym you may also group your muscle groups like so: Monday-Back/Biceps/Triceps, Wednesday-Legs, Friday-Chest, Shoulders. It is up to you, just make sure that you have back and legs spread out a few days from each other because since they are such large muscle groups, your body needs time to recuperate. Now…here comes the more complicated stuff. One mistake that many people make when trying to gain size is overdoing it. Muscle gain isn’t about spending three hours in the gym every day, it is about using your time effectively to stimulate the muscles as much as possible within a short period of time. For example, each routine should entail about 3-4 exercises of which you will only do for a total of about 12-15 reps TOTAL for the whole routine.

For  Example of Leg Day:

Leg Press- 8 times/250 lbs

Leg Extension-8 times/150 lbs

Calf Raise-8 times/300 lbs

Barbell Squat-8 times/300 lbs

Leg Curl-8 times/115 lbs

Leg Extension-6 times/175 times

Leg Press-6 times/300 lbs

Leg Curl-6 times/125 lbs

Barbell Squat-6 times/325 lbs

Leg Extension-6 times/185 lbs

Leg Press-6 times/325 lbs

Barbell Squat-6 times/340 lbs

Leg Press-6 times/345 lbs

Calf Raise-6 times/350 times

That is just an example and those weights may be too heavy for some people or maybe not enough, but that is an example of how a leg day might go. Between EACH exercise, you need to wait 90-120 seconds to allow your body to recover. Now, all you have to do is take your other muscle groups and form the same type of routine. However, if you are working more than one muscle group then you may only work each group 4-7 times…so instead of having 12 exercises for your biceps and 12 exercises for your shoulders, you may only have 6 or 7 exercises for each. That means you will need to lift heavy to feel the burn. Understand? There are many ways to train for muscle gain, but this is just a method that I prefer when training clients.

Last but not least:
Diet J Yep, you all knew I was going to talk about it. Why? Because it’s important. If you aren’t eating enough calories, enough protein, or getting enough complex carbs, you aren’t going to see the gain that you want. It is essential to eat a lot so that your body can process the energy and use it towards the recuperation of your muscles. It is also important to eat correctly when trying to tone as well. Whether gaining or toning, you should take a protein shake when leaving the gym, try to get in enough protein during the day and stay away from unrefined carbs. It doesn’t matter what your goal is, you will always have to fall back on your diet if you want to get the results you want.

There are many things that I could write about when talking about weight lifting, there are many questions I could answer…and I wish I could answer them all, but if I did, this particular blog would never end. However, the most important thing that I want you to get out of this today is that YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE AFRAID OF LIFTING WEIGHTS! Weight training tightens up your body, it gives you the figure you want, and it gives you more muscle mass (not necessarily bulky muscle mass) which enables you to burn more calories throughout the day. What does that mean? Oh, that means you do less work, burn more calories, and maintain your figure more easily. Sound like something you might want to do? That’s what I thought. So, get out there and lift some iron! Pump some steel! And send me some updates on your progress! If you are truly looking to change your lifestyle, your body, and well….just feel better about yourself then you are going to have to trust me…and give this a shot. Every day is a struggle…but every day that you put up a fight…you are winning J



So hey…go succeed J Until next time! -Natalie

Sunday, April 3, 2011

You mean...people just like me get to their goals too??

What is the excuse that you give yourself for not getting to your goal? Not enough time? You’ve always been overweight so that’s what you’ve settled with? You’re just not that “type” of person? Well, whatever it is…I would like you to do this: Throw it out the window. No more excuses from you, I’m tired of them. An excuse is only setting yourself up for failure. I believe that every person is capable of achieving physical fitness. A lot of people come to me telling me that I don’t understand…that I’m a personal trainer so that excludes me from feeling the same things they do. Well, you’re wrong. I could give myself a million reasons as to why I don’t have enough time to exercise, as to why it’s easier to eat unhealthily…but I don’t.  We use excuses to bide ourselves time in the eyes of others, when really all we are doing is “making ourselves feel better” about the goal we have yet to accomplish.
            The number one aspect of physical fitness that I feel people do not grasp is that (now this may be shocking to a few of you) it does not happen overnight. Now come on, everyone knows that, but even though we know that we still expect to see results right away. I can’t tell you how many people I have seen walk  in to the gym after not being there for six months….get on an elliptical, do 30 minutes…go home, come back the next day and weigh themselves to see if they’ve lost a pound yet. You’re only setting yourself up for frustration if you continue with these behavioral patterns.
            So, since so many people like to believe they don’t fall into the category of “one of those people” that accomplishes goals…I have interviewed a person that also thought she wasn’t one of those people, but today she is closer than ever to her goal. The key to changing behavioral patterns is to remember that baby steps turn into big steps eventually…and that is exactly what Christine did. Christine is a wife, mother, and business owner. She is probably one of the busiest people I know, yet she has found time to accomplish her goal. How you might ask? It’s because she took something that used to be insignificant in her life and she chose to make it a priority. If she can do it…so can you

1. Within the last year you have lost a lot of weight. How much have you lost? What was your starting weight and what is your weight now?..
I started out, I'm sad to say, at 188...and at my last weigh in I was at 142.8
2. Have you always struggled with your weight? Yes! And even though I have stuck to my diet I still seem to manage to go up and down from week to week, depending on the stress that that week holds, my activity level and my exercise routine. I just have to keep going forward and work on correcting whatever it was that went wrong during the next week. Getting depressed over it and throwing in the towel won’t help me reach my goal.
3. I know you have lost weight before, but what was different about this time than others? It's gone very slow this time it seems...some weeks I'll lose only a tenth or two of a pound and another week I'll lose 3 lbs! But my body seems to be holding onto the changes more this time and reshaping rather that just losing weight. It's like it stalls out and even thought I may not have lost any weight that week, my clothes start to fit differently. And then I'll see another big drop in numbers on the scale if I don't give up and just keep going forward. I seem to have a pattern of big loss, a little loss, a little gain, a little loss, and then another big loss...
4. For you, what was the most important factor? Was it food, exercise, supplements, etc? I think it was a big combination of all 3! Food choices and portions was a huge part of it! And an exercise plan that I enjoyed and could stick to with the chaos that is my life. But keeping my vitamins in balance and adjusting as my weight went down was a big part of it to. I went through stretches where I needed more minerals and more supplements and then stretches where I needed to cut back on them. I could feel the changes in my body and I could feel and see the effects on my skin, hair and nails as I went through all this.
5. You are a wife, mother, and business owner which doesn't leave you with a lot of time...for people out there that say they can't lose weight because they don't have time, what would you say to themIt's not easy! But if you are willing to make the choices and the sacrifices and to keep going even though it can get so frustrating at times and make time for YOURSELF even a few days a week, it makes all the difference in the world! I found that going into the other room and closing the door and allowing the boys to take care of themselves for an hour or so didn't hurt them and it made me feel better! And once my jeans started to fit looser and once I got my first, “have you lost weight?" It helped motivate me to keep going forward!
How many times per week were you exercising? How long were your workout sessions? I have to admit, I have fluctuated on that...I try to stick to at least every other day...but some weeks I exercised 5 days a week and others....only once...but those weeks I could definitely tell and I felt guilty at my weight ins...But I am the first to tell you that there are times when life takes over and there just doesn't seem to be time! The trick is to just not fall into that rut and stay there! Get back to it! Even if it IS only one day a week to work back into your routine...
    I HATE exercising...I get bored I think...and it hurts, and I get I struggled with what my form of exercise was going to be. So I had this brain storm that I would jog on the Mini Trampoline! I can do that inside rain or shine, it is less impact on my knees and its fun! So I go into the other room, shut the door, find a show that I missed on OnDemand on Comcast and I catch up on the shows that I like and watching something new it helps keep me from focusing on the fact that I'm tired or that my legs hurt. It also helps me keep time! CSI OnDemand runs for 44 min. I started with that and did that for a long time...and then one day I realized that I wasn't tired and that I could keep going! So I did 2 shows! And from that point I was sooo close to a full hour and a half that I just kept going! So I'm currently going an hour and a half each night I get a chance to sneak away to exercise.  And believe it or not, I look forward to it now! It's my "me" time! Everyone usually leaves me alone and I get to just relax and work out the stress of the day.
7. Can you please explain the difference you have made in your eating habits? How were they before you lost the weight and how are they now?
 Because of our work schedules...eating habits were off balance to say the least. Quite often I wouldn't eat anything all day and then eat just fattening comfort foods for dinner and over eat since I hadn't eaten all day. And we ate out a lot!! When you out running errands till 9PM and you realize that you still need to figure out something for dinner, it was a lot of Jack In the Box to the rescue! Or take out from the Mexican restaurant...whatever was easiest, fastest and didn't mean dishes to do tonight...and "treats" were an everyday all day splurge, rather than done with any moderation or control really...We lead a very busy hectic life and it just felt good to have a treat to unwind...over and over and over..We now have changed our choices in treats! A cup of Yoplait fat free yogurt or a cup of fruit helps curb that sweet tooth just as well!
    My eating schedule had to change as well. To start out I honestly didn't think I could do it! I felt like the first two weeks that all day everyday was focused around food and I was either always hungry or not hungry when it was time to eat took me awhile to adjust..But I eat Breakfast, a snack mid morning, lunch, a snack mid afternoon, and dinner. My diet choice was Jenny Craig because it gave me pre portioned meals, Snacks and moral support as well! You've seen the commercials ...and I honestly could not have made it through all of this if it wasn't for my consultant and for the support of my family. My consultant is so excited for me and so supportive when I lose even a half a pound. That helps me keep going and to try to do better the next week.

8. What were some of the things that you did to keep yourself motivated? At first it was just the numbers on the scale and the little differences that I could notice and feel, but that no one else seemed to notice yet...then it was my clothes fitting looser and the chance in my face (that’s where I started to really notice the weight lose first)'s been a long road, but the first day that I could wear my cute heels all day without wanting to cry was big day for me!! LOL! I love shoes! And when I finally hit the point that I NEEDED to go shopping for pants and shirts!!! Holey Moley! That was Huge!! My motivations keep changing in order to keep me motivated....if that makes scene.  When I found out that I could fit into a size 6 pair of pants!! There are no words! But I now have a cute pair of size 4's that I bought on a great sale, so right now...those are my goal! That and my goal weight of 130 (maybe 125 ; )!! ) I have made it this far and I am determined to reach my goal! Even though I hear all the time how good I look, that was my goal when I started out and my goodness I WILL reach it! Even if it takes me another 6 months! 

9. Besides losing the weight, have you seen any other improvements? Mood? Conditions of skin, nails, or hair? More energy?
 Mood, defiantly! I deal with stress much better these days! And I am soooo much happier! and more comfortable in my own skin! I don't stress near as much about having to interact with people anymore...before I would stress for 3 weeks prior to a birthday party of event of any kind...I just wanted to hide and not see anyone.
    Energy, I think too...I seem to be more inspired to get things done or to go do things! I've always worked very hard...but Despite what I felt was a lot of natural just didn't seem to be cutting it! I have really increased both natural activity as well as planned exercise.
    My skin is definitely much clearer! And my hair and nails have improved as well.
10. What are your plans for the future? How are you going to keep yourself on track? Do you think it's possible for everyone to make this type of lifestyle change? I am planning on making my eating habits and my exercise habits a part of my life. Not just until I reach my goal but as part of how I live my life! I have gained and lost so many times! And I'm so tired of it! I'm tired of my weight being such a huge stress on my life! Life is so much simpler when I'm not worried about it! I every day, make conscious choices to NOT eat whatever sounds good or to try some of everything...I feel better about myself when I've made it through a dinner out with friends or with my family and I've managed to still make good choices! There are so many substitutions that you can make that make such a big difference on what comes out on your plate!
    I totally think that anyone can do it!! A Lot of it depends on determination, will power and the sacrifices that you are willing to make to get you to your goal so that you can start to even out, relax a little bit and just make it part of your life style not "I'm on a diet"

Christine didn’t get to her goal in a month, or even 3 months…in fact, she still says that she’s not even there! Perseverance is what will get you there. If you eat bad one day, don’t give up and decide that just because you messed once you’ve failed…wake up the next morning and decide to eat better. Decide to be the person that you want to be. Take small steps everyday to improving your lifestyle and soon you will see it becomes easier and easier. Make the decision to go on walks or drink more water, with each small decision such as these you get closer and closer to your goal. I am positive that each and every one of you can get to your goal…but you are the only person that can get yourself there. You are responsible for yourself. Make the decision to try because no goal was ever accomplished without someone first trying to get there. Remember:


Look for my next blog…it will be on gaining muscle and size. Good luck! Until next time!


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Products That May Actually...(Gasp)....Work?!?!

     Alright, be honest. Do you have a cupboard full of supplements? Are you taking more than a handful of “pills that are gonna work” every morning and walking around in your house in a plastic garbage bag because someone told you that you’d lose 10 pounds? We are all guilty of it at one time or another. We all want results quick, we all want the next new product that is going to get us to our goal, and we all want to have to put in the least amount of effort as possible. Why? It’s just how we are. We want things and we want them now. But you’re not going to look like Arnold over night just because you have “Big, Mean, and Lean” in your cupboard and you aren’t going to lose your next 50 lbs while spending the next ten days sipping on “Hollywood’s Hollow Out Your System” liquid diet. So, how are you going to do it? By using simple products that are of good quality…and yes, you are still going to have to put in the effort. SooorrrryyyyyJ

Stem Tech Products
     There are two types of stem cells, embryonic and adult. Embryonic stem cells exist in the fertilized egg. Yet, it has been established that stem cells also can be found in the mature, adult body and have the same biological qualities as embryonic stem cells. Now before you get freaked out about the word STEM CELL, let’s go over just exactly what a stem cell is. It is a cell that is undifferentiated and its daughter cells can basically turn into whatever cell the body is lacking…for example, it can go in as undifferentiated and in the end become a kidney cell used in the body’s filtering system. Just because it’s a stem cell doesn’t mean it comes from a baby, so rule that out right now. Research has revealed that in adults, these stem cells act like a renovation system for the body, repairing and restoring tissue and organs, but as we get older, the number of free floating stem cells in our system decreases. Recent research has found that stem cells in large numbers are found in bone marrow, which gets released into the blood stream to assist the body with organ and tissue repair and immunity. It was further discovered that a certain fresh water plant can support the body’s own natural ability to release and regenerate these adult stem cells. That’s the insightful importance of StemEnhance. It uses a natural, patented botanical extract (vegetarian) to get the body to increase in the natural release and replenishment of bone marrow stem cells.
     A couple of years ago I was injured very badly and ever since then I have had many problems with my left hip and lower back. Some days I was in so much pain I could barely train clients and other days I was fine. I didn’t like waking up not knowing whether or not I was going to get in a good workout out, I like being the one that chooses that. Well, I ran into stemtech products and I started using them, in hopes that they would help repair the damaged tissue I have. And guess what???? Yep, they did. Stem cells go into our bodies and they go to the spots where we our body needs the most aid. Within two weeks of taking these pills I could tell the difference. I was running five miles a day without pain…I was squatting, jumping, rolling around on the floor (yea, us trainers, we do that once in a while) and I was feeling amazing. I still continue to take stemtech everyday. I take StemEnhance and StemFlow. StemFlow helps detoxify the blood and helps to distribute the stem cells. So let me ask you a question? Do you have an injury? A sore shoulder or a bummed leg? This product is for you. I know a man who was dealing with Parkinson’s Disease, he was having tremors, he couldn’t lift his hands up over his head, and one of his arms was completely useless. He started taking stemtech two years ago and in November I had the chance of meeting with him. The man is over 70 years old and he has no signs of Parkinson’s…he has no tremors, he can lift his arms up over his head, and he is very active. I am not saying that this product will work miracles for each and every person that takes it because I don’t know that it will, but I do know that it has worked for me, it has worked for every person I have known that has taken it…and all I’m gonna say is…welp, it might just work for you J
If you are interested in looking at the product some more or even buying it…help yourself to this site:

Acai Cleanse
     The Acai Berry is a natural fruit with powerful antioxidants and many other healthy components such as fiber, essential fatty acids, amino acids, and phytosterols. Each of these natural ingredients work to aid in weight loss, proper digestion, and muscle development.

     Did you know that the average adult has anywhere from 5-20 pounds of waste trapped within their colon and intestinal tract? (Now wouldn’t you like to be 5lbs lighter?)These extra pounds are a build-up of undigested food, compacted fecal matter, and toxins. These impurities are the foundation for many health problems including weight gain, fatigue, constipation, and bloating. Don’t you just ever have a week where you just feel…“Heavy” ? The acai berry cleanse is a natural and effective way to cleanse your body. It helps to get rid of water weight, it helps flush your system, and you may even drop a few pounds. I’m not promising anything, but I will promise that you will feel a difference. I am fond of this product and I use it every 3-6 months, depending on how I feel. Don’t overuse it, but hey…at least try it J (You can find it at GNC)

Body By Vi

      It’s a unique, concentrated and absorbable blend of proteins processed to remove fat, lactose, carbohydrates and isoflavones to provide pure, concentrated protein. When mixed with milk or soy milk, it provides 20-22 grams of protein…the right mix to burn fat and build lean muscle. It has low sodium and contains a full serving of fiber, without giving you gas. (Now isn’t that exciting?) It contains digestive aids and enzymes, including prebiotic activity for maximum nutrition absorption…and the best part? It smells and tastes like cake! It’s not gritty, it’s very smooth, and there are no bad aftertastes. For a reasonable price of about $115 a month, you get enough to provide yourself with 60 meal replacements shakes. And the results? Well, you slim down while just simply…drinking a shake.

     I have been doing body by vi for about 2 months now and I have only seen great results. It is a meal replacement shake that is packed full of vitamins, fiber, and protein to provide you with the nutrients you need to replace breakfast or dinner. Do you ever run out of the house without eating breakfast? Ah hah! I caught you….you’re one of them. Not eating til 1:00 PM is not…I repeat… NOT a good way to start your day if you are serious about losing weight OR gaining muscle. The next comment I can expect to hear is…well, it’s expensive. In reality, it’s not. You are replacing two meals a day, each of these meals costs under 2 dollars…and so all you are left to worry about is lunch, and snacks. It’s pretty simple. When I started on it I was not able to work out a lot because I became ill and even without working out I lost 13 pounds. It’s a great product, it tastes great, and I never get tired of it. If you are serious about losing weight then I would suggest that you try it because it has worked amazingly well for me. The Shape Kit is the way to go.
If you are interested here is a direct link:

Apex Products
     Apex is a product that is produced in a pharmaceutical laboratory…not somewhere in China J Although you may think that the multivitamins you’re buying from wally world are doing the trick, I can guarantee they aren’t doing what you think. Apex is carefully crafted to deliver high quality products which you can use side by side or individually. If you are going to be putting something in your body from which you wants to see results, you want go with quality. Apex is quality.

     I have worked for two gyms that supplied apex products and not only did I see them work for my clients, but I have been thoroughly educated on them and I can tell you that these products are giving you exactly what they say. The vitamins you buy in your local grocery store really have no regulations…which means, Aunt Jane’s Hand-Me-Down T-shirt could have been tossed into the mix and no one would have even know about it. In addition, Apex Products are all time release products…where am I going with this?  Well, if you take a multivitamin and toss it into your stomach acid, what do you think will happen? It’s going to “explode” like a tiny bomb in your system. Ever taken a multi vitamin and continued to burp it up for the next few hours? That’s because it’s wasn’t digested properly. With a time release system it has a coating on it which helps it get past the acid and into the intestine which is essentially where the absorption of the vitamins happens. With a regular supplement (any kind…creatine, multivitamin, calcium, fat burners) you will only receive about ¼ of the product that you put into your mouth because your body will not be able to process it all. Just thought you should know. So are you looking for quality or quantity? Because if it’s quantity you want, keep buying from wally world, you’re gonna have to buy more than one bottle to get what you’re looking for. Just sayin’ J
Link to Website:

     Yep, that’s right! Green tea!  It helps boost metabolisms and it has lots of good antioxidants. One of the reasons why green tea boosts the burning of calories is because it contains a special ingredient called catechin that prevents free-radicals from damaging your body after a heavy workout. The beverage also has large quantities of potent antioxidants which help to keep the body feeling young. These natural elements protect us from harmful diseases and illness while keeping our bodies fit at the same time.

     It’s cheap! It’s light! It’s refreshing! It helps boost your metabolism! Have you ever been one of those people to buy a bottle of fat burners? Yes? Okay great. Me too. I’ve bought them, I’ve used them, and they worked great. Is it probable that you will keep taking fat burners for the next year until you get to your weight loss goal? It’s possible, but that is going to burn a whole in your pocket. I have used fat burners before (from apex) and they have worked great, but financially, it is a lot to keep up with. Green tea keeps my body feeling thin, it gives me energy, and it helps me fight off free radicals after hard workouts in the gym. You can buy a box of 40 green tea bags for 3 dollars. It’s really economic. I suggest that you drink 2-3 cups of green tea per day. You will start to feel more energized and you will start to feel thinner. It also has fewer calories than coffee or any energy drink, and it’s natural. What more can you ask for?


Camelbak Water Bottle
     I will be very honest with you…I am not a naturally good water drinker. However, as soon as I got my first camelback water bottle…I was hooked. It has a long straw with a soft tip that is easy to suck on. I read a study and people that drink out of straws tend to drink 24% more water than people who guzzle or gulp. When I have my camelbak, I am constantly drinking water. Why is water so important? It helps you lose weight. You may notice that when you begin to drink water…it will start coming out as fast as you’re putting it in, but do you know why? Our bodies store water when we are not giving it enough…around our ankles, our stomach, our fingers, ect. So, when we begin to provide it with water it starts to believe that the water will keep coming and it starts excreting the water from other places too…so while you may think that it’s frivolous to drink so much water, keep at it. Soon your body will get rid of the excess and your bladder will go back to normal…promise J And to all you body builders out there, you need water too. Muscles that have all the water they need contract more easily, making your workout more effective…ever heard of creatine? It’s job is to take water to the muscles, to hydrate them, so how about you help your body out by providing it with the water it needs. Drinking room temperature water isn’t everyone’s favorite, but it is easier to drink and most people end up drinking more water at this temperature than when it’s ice cold. So pick up a camelback and start sipping! If it got me to drink water, I am positive it will work for you.

LuLuLemon Athletic Wear
      It’s the best exercise clothing around. Is it expensive? Yes. Unfortunately.  BUT! I still like it. Their material is called luon. This fabric pulls moisture away from your skin, dispersing it evenly throughout the fabric so it evaporates faster, helping the fabric to dry quickly. Have you ever taken a run and felt suffocated by your shirt? Well, this material helps keep you cool which is important…you don’t want to have to end your run 10 minutes early because you feel suffocated by your clothing. No bueno. This clothing also has unique stitching which frankly just makes your bum look great. (For you as well gentlemen) The shirts are fitted and they will make you look more fit. Don’t sell yourself short. It’s important to feel good in your workout clothes too…in fact, it’s inspiring. When you look good, you feel good, and you might even push yourself a little harder J Bottom line, it’s a great line of clothing that I think every active person should have at least one shirt from. There are alternatives…ebay, amazon…these places sell it for cheap! So go now! Go get your lulu on!

Ipod/MP3 Player
      Music can turn an average workout into a great workout. Music will inspire you to lift more, run farther, and jump higher. Music naturally has a tendency to move our bodies…so as we put that into our workouts, what do we get? Phenomenal workouts.  Use google and look up popular work out songs…they may not be what you listen to in your car, but they may just have the rhythm and beats to get you through your workout. If you are struggling with motivation to get through your entire workout or if you know you aren’t putting in the effort that you should be…go grab your ipod, put on some tunes, and get to pumpin’. Let me know if you need any song suggestions J

Nike Running Shoes
     Are you running in a pair of court classics or in a pair of hiking shoes? REALLLLYYY? Well I hate to break it to you (not really) but you are not going to rise to your full potential during your cardio sessions until you get yourself some proper shoes. Why running shoes? They are light, they are flexible, and most of them provide pretty good arch support. All of these things are important so that your feet are comfortable on the elliptical, treadmill, bike, wherever! I have ran before in shoes that weren’t the best and while I could have ran 45 minutes, I stopped at 20 because my feet were numb or because my shins hurt. I say Nike because that is the brand I prefer. They last me the longest, they are light, and they are usually fashionable. There is a lot of science behind running shoes and they are meant to help you get in a better run. Running shoes aren’t expensive; my last pair only cost $37 dollars. So do yourself a favor and go invest in yourself. Your feet, shins, and body will thank you 

Body Fortress Shaker Cup
     This particular shaker cup is very convenient. It has a ball in it to mix protein, it has a compartment to store vitamins (such as creatine? I think yes. ) And it has an extra storage compartment below where you can store protein for your post workout shake. This cup has never leaked on me and is just all around a great product. Many people wait until they get home to take their post workout shakes which in reality could be an hour later. No. Post workout shakes should be taken as soon as possible after the workout and this cup allows a simple and easy option for doing so. They only cost $5 dollars at wal-mart. You know you want one!

     I hope that you have discovered some new products here today and I hope you have realized how many gimmicks there are out there just trying to get you to spend your money. In my opinion, these products can actually help with getting you closer to your goal. I am not an advocate for Apex or Nike, but I do like them…and well, I have spent many of my days making mistakes by not investing in the right products or by falling for the “quick results” line. These products I am suggesting to you come from my experience in the gym, from my experience with clients, and from my own personal experience of using them. I wish you all luck in getting to your fitness goal. Stay mentally strong and keep pushing forward every day because…


Until next time! -Natalie