Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Products That May Actually...(Gasp)....Work?!?!

     Alright, be honest. Do you have a cupboard full of supplements? Are you taking more than a handful of “pills that are gonna work” every morning and walking around in your house in a plastic garbage bag because someone told you that you’d lose 10 pounds? We are all guilty of it at one time or another. We all want results quick, we all want the next new product that is going to get us to our goal, and we all want to have to put in the least amount of effort as possible. Why? It’s just how we are. We want things and we want them now. But you’re not going to look like Arnold over night just because you have “Big, Mean, and Lean” in your cupboard and you aren’t going to lose your next 50 lbs while spending the next ten days sipping on “Hollywood’s Hollow Out Your System” liquid diet. So, how are you going to do it? By using simple products that are of good quality…and yes, you are still going to have to put in the effort. SooorrrryyyyyJ

Stem Tech Products
     There are two types of stem cells, embryonic and adult. Embryonic stem cells exist in the fertilized egg. Yet, it has been established that stem cells also can be found in the mature, adult body and have the same biological qualities as embryonic stem cells. Now before you get freaked out about the word STEM CELL, let’s go over just exactly what a stem cell is. It is a cell that is undifferentiated and its daughter cells can basically turn into whatever cell the body is lacking…for example, it can go in as undifferentiated and in the end become a kidney cell used in the body’s filtering system. Just because it’s a stem cell doesn’t mean it comes from a baby, so rule that out right now. Research has revealed that in adults, these stem cells act like a renovation system for the body, repairing and restoring tissue and organs, but as we get older, the number of free floating stem cells in our system decreases. Recent research has found that stem cells in large numbers are found in bone marrow, which gets released into the blood stream to assist the body with organ and tissue repair and immunity. It was further discovered that a certain fresh water plant can support the body’s own natural ability to release and regenerate these adult stem cells. That’s the insightful importance of StemEnhance. It uses a natural, patented botanical extract (vegetarian) to get the body to increase in the natural release and replenishment of bone marrow stem cells.
     A couple of years ago I was injured very badly and ever since then I have had many problems with my left hip and lower back. Some days I was in so much pain I could barely train clients and other days I was fine. I didn’t like waking up not knowing whether or not I was going to get in a good workout out, I like being the one that chooses that. Well, I ran into stemtech products and I started using them, in hopes that they would help repair the damaged tissue I have. And guess what???? Yep, they did. Stem cells go into our bodies and they go to the spots where we our body needs the most aid. Within two weeks of taking these pills I could tell the difference. I was running five miles a day without pain…I was squatting, jumping, rolling around on the floor (yea, us trainers, we do that once in a while) and I was feeling amazing. I still continue to take stemtech everyday. I take StemEnhance and StemFlow. StemFlow helps detoxify the blood and helps to distribute the stem cells. So let me ask you a question? Do you have an injury? A sore shoulder or a bummed leg? This product is for you. I know a man who was dealing with Parkinson’s Disease, he was having tremors, he couldn’t lift his hands up over his head, and one of his arms was completely useless. He started taking stemtech two years ago and in November I had the chance of meeting with him. The man is over 70 years old and he has no signs of Parkinson’s…he has no tremors, he can lift his arms up over his head, and he is very active. I am not saying that this product will work miracles for each and every person that takes it because I don’t know that it will, but I do know that it has worked for me, it has worked for every person I have known that has taken it…and all I’m gonna say is…welp, it might just work for you J
If you are interested in looking at the product some more or even buying it…help yourself to this site:

Acai Cleanse
     The Acai Berry is a natural fruit with powerful antioxidants and many other healthy components such as fiber, essential fatty acids, amino acids, and phytosterols. Each of these natural ingredients work to aid in weight loss, proper digestion, and muscle development.

     Did you know that the average adult has anywhere from 5-20 pounds of waste trapped within their colon and intestinal tract? (Now wouldn’t you like to be 5lbs lighter?)These extra pounds are a build-up of undigested food, compacted fecal matter, and toxins. These impurities are the foundation for many health problems including weight gain, fatigue, constipation, and bloating. Don’t you just ever have a week where you just feel…“Heavy” ? The acai berry cleanse is a natural and effective way to cleanse your body. It helps to get rid of water weight, it helps flush your system, and you may even drop a few pounds. I’m not promising anything, but I will promise that you will feel a difference. I am fond of this product and I use it every 3-6 months, depending on how I feel. Don’t overuse it, but hey…at least try it J (You can find it at GNC)

Body By Vi

      It’s a unique, concentrated and absorbable blend of proteins processed to remove fat, lactose, carbohydrates and isoflavones to provide pure, concentrated protein. When mixed with milk or soy milk, it provides 20-22 grams of protein…the right mix to burn fat and build lean muscle. It has low sodium and contains a full serving of fiber, without giving you gas. (Now isn’t that exciting?) It contains digestive aids and enzymes, including prebiotic activity for maximum nutrition absorption…and the best part? It smells and tastes like cake! It’s not gritty, it’s very smooth, and there are no bad aftertastes. For a reasonable price of about $115 a month, you get enough to provide yourself with 60 meal replacements shakes. And the results? Well, you slim down while just simply…drinking a shake.

     I have been doing body by vi for about 2 months now and I have only seen great results. It is a meal replacement shake that is packed full of vitamins, fiber, and protein to provide you with the nutrients you need to replace breakfast or dinner. Do you ever run out of the house without eating breakfast? Ah hah! I caught you….you’re one of them. Not eating til 1:00 PM is not…I repeat… NOT a good way to start your day if you are serious about losing weight OR gaining muscle. The next comment I can expect to hear is…well, it’s expensive. In reality, it’s not. You are replacing two meals a day, each of these meals costs under 2 dollars…and so all you are left to worry about is lunch, and snacks. It’s pretty simple. When I started on it I was not able to work out a lot because I became ill and even without working out I lost 13 pounds. It’s a great product, it tastes great, and I never get tired of it. If you are serious about losing weight then I would suggest that you try it because it has worked amazingly well for me. The Shape Kit is the way to go.
If you are interested here is a direct link:

Apex Products
     Apex is a product that is produced in a pharmaceutical laboratory…not somewhere in China J Although you may think that the multivitamins you’re buying from wally world are doing the trick, I can guarantee they aren’t doing what you think. Apex is carefully crafted to deliver high quality products which you can use side by side or individually. If you are going to be putting something in your body from which you wants to see results, you want go with quality. Apex is quality.

     I have worked for two gyms that supplied apex products and not only did I see them work for my clients, but I have been thoroughly educated on them and I can tell you that these products are giving you exactly what they say. The vitamins you buy in your local grocery store really have no regulations…which means, Aunt Jane’s Hand-Me-Down T-shirt could have been tossed into the mix and no one would have even know about it. In addition, Apex Products are all time release products…where am I going with this?  Well, if you take a multivitamin and toss it into your stomach acid, what do you think will happen? It’s going to “explode” like a tiny bomb in your system. Ever taken a multi vitamin and continued to burp it up for the next few hours? That’s because it’s wasn’t digested properly. With a time release system it has a coating on it which helps it get past the acid and into the intestine which is essentially where the absorption of the vitamins happens. With a regular supplement (any kind…creatine, multivitamin, calcium, fat burners) you will only receive about ¼ of the product that you put into your mouth because your body will not be able to process it all. Just thought you should know. So are you looking for quality or quantity? Because if it’s quantity you want, keep buying from wally world, you’re gonna have to buy more than one bottle to get what you’re looking for. Just sayin’ J
Link to Website:

     Yep, that’s right! Green tea!  It helps boost metabolisms and it has lots of good antioxidants. One of the reasons why green tea boosts the burning of calories is because it contains a special ingredient called catechin that prevents free-radicals from damaging your body after a heavy workout. The beverage also has large quantities of potent antioxidants which help to keep the body feeling young. These natural elements protect us from harmful diseases and illness while keeping our bodies fit at the same time.

     It’s cheap! It’s light! It’s refreshing! It helps boost your metabolism! Have you ever been one of those people to buy a bottle of fat burners? Yes? Okay great. Me too. I’ve bought them, I’ve used them, and they worked great. Is it probable that you will keep taking fat burners for the next year until you get to your weight loss goal? It’s possible, but that is going to burn a whole in your pocket. I have used fat burners before (from apex) and they have worked great, but financially, it is a lot to keep up with. Green tea keeps my body feeling thin, it gives me energy, and it helps me fight off free radicals after hard workouts in the gym. You can buy a box of 40 green tea bags for 3 dollars. It’s really economic. I suggest that you drink 2-3 cups of green tea per day. You will start to feel more energized and you will start to feel thinner. It also has fewer calories than coffee or any energy drink, and it’s natural. What more can you ask for?


Camelbak Water Bottle
     I will be very honest with you…I am not a naturally good water drinker. However, as soon as I got my first camelback water bottle…I was hooked. It has a long straw with a soft tip that is easy to suck on. I read a study and people that drink out of straws tend to drink 24% more water than people who guzzle or gulp. When I have my camelbak, I am constantly drinking water. Why is water so important? It helps you lose weight. You may notice that when you begin to drink water…it will start coming out as fast as you’re putting it in, but do you know why? Our bodies store water when we are not giving it enough…around our ankles, our stomach, our fingers, ect. So, when we begin to provide it with water it starts to believe that the water will keep coming and it starts excreting the water from other places too…so while you may think that it’s frivolous to drink so much water, keep at it. Soon your body will get rid of the excess and your bladder will go back to normal…promise J And to all you body builders out there, you need water too. Muscles that have all the water they need contract more easily, making your workout more effective…ever heard of creatine? It’s job is to take water to the muscles, to hydrate them, so how about you help your body out by providing it with the water it needs. Drinking room temperature water isn’t everyone’s favorite, but it is easier to drink and most people end up drinking more water at this temperature than when it’s ice cold. So pick up a camelback and start sipping! If it got me to drink water, I am positive it will work for you.

LuLuLemon Athletic Wear
      It’s the best exercise clothing around. Is it expensive? Yes. Unfortunately.  BUT! I still like it. Their material is called luon. This fabric pulls moisture away from your skin, dispersing it evenly throughout the fabric so it evaporates faster, helping the fabric to dry quickly. Have you ever taken a run and felt suffocated by your shirt? Well, this material helps keep you cool which is important…you don’t want to have to end your run 10 minutes early because you feel suffocated by your clothing. No bueno. This clothing also has unique stitching which frankly just makes your bum look great. (For you as well gentlemen) The shirts are fitted and they will make you look more fit. Don’t sell yourself short. It’s important to feel good in your workout clothes too…in fact, it’s inspiring. When you look good, you feel good, and you might even push yourself a little harder J Bottom line, it’s a great line of clothing that I think every active person should have at least one shirt from. There are alternatives…ebay, amazon…these places sell it for cheap! So go now! Go get your lulu on!

Ipod/MP3 Player
      Music can turn an average workout into a great workout. Music will inspire you to lift more, run farther, and jump higher. Music naturally has a tendency to move our bodies…so as we put that into our workouts, what do we get? Phenomenal workouts.  Use google and look up popular work out songs…they may not be what you listen to in your car, but they may just have the rhythm and beats to get you through your workout. If you are struggling with motivation to get through your entire workout or if you know you aren’t putting in the effort that you should be…go grab your ipod, put on some tunes, and get to pumpin’. Let me know if you need any song suggestions J

Nike Running Shoes
     Are you running in a pair of court classics or in a pair of hiking shoes? REALLLLYYY? Well I hate to break it to you (not really) but you are not going to rise to your full potential during your cardio sessions until you get yourself some proper shoes. Why running shoes? They are light, they are flexible, and most of them provide pretty good arch support. All of these things are important so that your feet are comfortable on the elliptical, treadmill, bike, wherever! I have ran before in shoes that weren’t the best and while I could have ran 45 minutes, I stopped at 20 because my feet were numb or because my shins hurt. I say Nike because that is the brand I prefer. They last me the longest, they are light, and they are usually fashionable. There is a lot of science behind running shoes and they are meant to help you get in a better run. Running shoes aren’t expensive; my last pair only cost $37 dollars. So do yourself a favor and go invest in yourself. Your feet, shins, and body will thank you 

Body Fortress Shaker Cup
     This particular shaker cup is very convenient. It has a ball in it to mix protein, it has a compartment to store vitamins (such as creatine? I think yes. ) And it has an extra storage compartment below where you can store protein for your post workout shake. This cup has never leaked on me and is just all around a great product. Many people wait until they get home to take their post workout shakes which in reality could be an hour later. No. Post workout shakes should be taken as soon as possible after the workout and this cup allows a simple and easy option for doing so. They only cost $5 dollars at wal-mart. You know you want one!

     I hope that you have discovered some new products here today and I hope you have realized how many gimmicks there are out there just trying to get you to spend your money. In my opinion, these products can actually help with getting you closer to your goal. I am not an advocate for Apex or Nike, but I do like them…and well, I have spent many of my days making mistakes by not investing in the right products or by falling for the “quick results” line. These products I am suggesting to you come from my experience in the gym, from my experience with clients, and from my own personal experience of using them. I wish you all luck in getting to your fitness goal. Stay mentally strong and keep pushing forward every day because…


Until next time! -Natalie

1 comment:

  1. Body by Vi is amazing. I lost 9 pounds within the first 2 weeks of starting the product and lightly working out. It seems expensive when you first think about it, but it's really most of your food for the month. 14 meals a week for a little less than $30. It's really not bad at all, and it provides amazing results. The flavor is good, it reminds me a little of a milkshake. And, if you get bored with the flavor, they provide you with flavor packets for the drink. I would highly recommend the product if you want to see results and lose the weight by just changing what you eat.

    I also love the camelbak water bottles. I hate drinking water out of regular water bottles, and would rarely finish the bottle or it would take me forever to drink the entire bottle. Since I've bought a camelbak I'm drinking at least 3 full of their bottles of water a day. They're amazing and I take it everywhere with me.
