Sunday, April 3, 2011

You mean...people just like me get to their goals too??

What is the excuse that you give yourself for not getting to your goal? Not enough time? You’ve always been overweight so that’s what you’ve settled with? You’re just not that “type” of person? Well, whatever it is…I would like you to do this: Throw it out the window. No more excuses from you, I’m tired of them. An excuse is only setting yourself up for failure. I believe that every person is capable of achieving physical fitness. A lot of people come to me telling me that I don’t understand…that I’m a personal trainer so that excludes me from feeling the same things they do. Well, you’re wrong. I could give myself a million reasons as to why I don’t have enough time to exercise, as to why it’s easier to eat unhealthily…but I don’t.  We use excuses to bide ourselves time in the eyes of others, when really all we are doing is “making ourselves feel better” about the goal we have yet to accomplish.
            The number one aspect of physical fitness that I feel people do not grasp is that (now this may be shocking to a few of you) it does not happen overnight. Now come on, everyone knows that, but even though we know that we still expect to see results right away. I can’t tell you how many people I have seen walk  in to the gym after not being there for six months….get on an elliptical, do 30 minutes…go home, come back the next day and weigh themselves to see if they’ve lost a pound yet. You’re only setting yourself up for frustration if you continue with these behavioral patterns.
            So, since so many people like to believe they don’t fall into the category of “one of those people” that accomplishes goals…I have interviewed a person that also thought she wasn’t one of those people, but today she is closer than ever to her goal. The key to changing behavioral patterns is to remember that baby steps turn into big steps eventually…and that is exactly what Christine did. Christine is a wife, mother, and business owner. She is probably one of the busiest people I know, yet she has found time to accomplish her goal. How you might ask? It’s because she took something that used to be insignificant in her life and she chose to make it a priority. If she can do it…so can you

1. Within the last year you have lost a lot of weight. How much have you lost? What was your starting weight and what is your weight now?..
I started out, I'm sad to say, at 188...and at my last weigh in I was at 142.8
2. Have you always struggled with your weight? Yes! And even though I have stuck to my diet I still seem to manage to go up and down from week to week, depending on the stress that that week holds, my activity level and my exercise routine. I just have to keep going forward and work on correcting whatever it was that went wrong during the next week. Getting depressed over it and throwing in the towel won’t help me reach my goal.
3. I know you have lost weight before, but what was different about this time than others? It's gone very slow this time it seems...some weeks I'll lose only a tenth or two of a pound and another week I'll lose 3 lbs! But my body seems to be holding onto the changes more this time and reshaping rather that just losing weight. It's like it stalls out and even thought I may not have lost any weight that week, my clothes start to fit differently. And then I'll see another big drop in numbers on the scale if I don't give up and just keep going forward. I seem to have a pattern of big loss, a little loss, a little gain, a little loss, and then another big loss...
4. For you, what was the most important factor? Was it food, exercise, supplements, etc? I think it was a big combination of all 3! Food choices and portions was a huge part of it! And an exercise plan that I enjoyed and could stick to with the chaos that is my life. But keeping my vitamins in balance and adjusting as my weight went down was a big part of it to. I went through stretches where I needed more minerals and more supplements and then stretches where I needed to cut back on them. I could feel the changes in my body and I could feel and see the effects on my skin, hair and nails as I went through all this.
5. You are a wife, mother, and business owner which doesn't leave you with a lot of time...for people out there that say they can't lose weight because they don't have time, what would you say to themIt's not easy! But if you are willing to make the choices and the sacrifices and to keep going even though it can get so frustrating at times and make time for YOURSELF even a few days a week, it makes all the difference in the world! I found that going into the other room and closing the door and allowing the boys to take care of themselves for an hour or so didn't hurt them and it made me feel better! And once my jeans started to fit looser and once I got my first, “have you lost weight?" It helped motivate me to keep going forward!
How many times per week were you exercising? How long were your workout sessions? I have to admit, I have fluctuated on that...I try to stick to at least every other day...but some weeks I exercised 5 days a week and others....only once...but those weeks I could definitely tell and I felt guilty at my weight ins...But I am the first to tell you that there are times when life takes over and there just doesn't seem to be time! The trick is to just not fall into that rut and stay there! Get back to it! Even if it IS only one day a week to work back into your routine...
    I HATE exercising...I get bored I think...and it hurts, and I get I struggled with what my form of exercise was going to be. So I had this brain storm that I would jog on the Mini Trampoline! I can do that inside rain or shine, it is less impact on my knees and its fun! So I go into the other room, shut the door, find a show that I missed on OnDemand on Comcast and I catch up on the shows that I like and watching something new it helps keep me from focusing on the fact that I'm tired or that my legs hurt. It also helps me keep time! CSI OnDemand runs for 44 min. I started with that and did that for a long time...and then one day I realized that I wasn't tired and that I could keep going! So I did 2 shows! And from that point I was sooo close to a full hour and a half that I just kept going! So I'm currently going an hour and a half each night I get a chance to sneak away to exercise.  And believe it or not, I look forward to it now! It's my "me" time! Everyone usually leaves me alone and I get to just relax and work out the stress of the day.
7. Can you please explain the difference you have made in your eating habits? How were they before you lost the weight and how are they now?
 Because of our work schedules...eating habits were off balance to say the least. Quite often I wouldn't eat anything all day and then eat just fattening comfort foods for dinner and over eat since I hadn't eaten all day. And we ate out a lot!! When you out running errands till 9PM and you realize that you still need to figure out something for dinner, it was a lot of Jack In the Box to the rescue! Or take out from the Mexican restaurant...whatever was easiest, fastest and didn't mean dishes to do tonight...and "treats" were an everyday all day splurge, rather than done with any moderation or control really...We lead a very busy hectic life and it just felt good to have a treat to unwind...over and over and over..We now have changed our choices in treats! A cup of Yoplait fat free yogurt or a cup of fruit helps curb that sweet tooth just as well!
    My eating schedule had to change as well. To start out I honestly didn't think I could do it! I felt like the first two weeks that all day everyday was focused around food and I was either always hungry or not hungry when it was time to eat took me awhile to adjust..But I eat Breakfast, a snack mid morning, lunch, a snack mid afternoon, and dinner. My diet choice was Jenny Craig because it gave me pre portioned meals, Snacks and moral support as well! You've seen the commercials ...and I honestly could not have made it through all of this if it wasn't for my consultant and for the support of my family. My consultant is so excited for me and so supportive when I lose even a half a pound. That helps me keep going and to try to do better the next week.

8. What were some of the things that you did to keep yourself motivated? At first it was just the numbers on the scale and the little differences that I could notice and feel, but that no one else seemed to notice yet...then it was my clothes fitting looser and the chance in my face (that’s where I started to really notice the weight lose first)'s been a long road, but the first day that I could wear my cute heels all day without wanting to cry was big day for me!! LOL! I love shoes! And when I finally hit the point that I NEEDED to go shopping for pants and shirts!!! Holey Moley! That was Huge!! My motivations keep changing in order to keep me motivated....if that makes scene.  When I found out that I could fit into a size 6 pair of pants!! There are no words! But I now have a cute pair of size 4's that I bought on a great sale, so right now...those are my goal! That and my goal weight of 130 (maybe 125 ; )!! ) I have made it this far and I am determined to reach my goal! Even though I hear all the time how good I look, that was my goal when I started out and my goodness I WILL reach it! Even if it takes me another 6 months! 

9. Besides losing the weight, have you seen any other improvements? Mood? Conditions of skin, nails, or hair? More energy?
 Mood, defiantly! I deal with stress much better these days! And I am soooo much happier! and more comfortable in my own skin! I don't stress near as much about having to interact with people anymore...before I would stress for 3 weeks prior to a birthday party of event of any kind...I just wanted to hide and not see anyone.
    Energy, I think too...I seem to be more inspired to get things done or to go do things! I've always worked very hard...but Despite what I felt was a lot of natural just didn't seem to be cutting it! I have really increased both natural activity as well as planned exercise.
    My skin is definitely much clearer! And my hair and nails have improved as well.
10. What are your plans for the future? How are you going to keep yourself on track? Do you think it's possible for everyone to make this type of lifestyle change? I am planning on making my eating habits and my exercise habits a part of my life. Not just until I reach my goal but as part of how I live my life! I have gained and lost so many times! And I'm so tired of it! I'm tired of my weight being such a huge stress on my life! Life is so much simpler when I'm not worried about it! I every day, make conscious choices to NOT eat whatever sounds good or to try some of everything...I feel better about myself when I've made it through a dinner out with friends or with my family and I've managed to still make good choices! There are so many substitutions that you can make that make such a big difference on what comes out on your plate!
    I totally think that anyone can do it!! A Lot of it depends on determination, will power and the sacrifices that you are willing to make to get you to your goal so that you can start to even out, relax a little bit and just make it part of your life style not "I'm on a diet"

Christine didn’t get to her goal in a month, or even 3 months…in fact, she still says that she’s not even there! Perseverance is what will get you there. If you eat bad one day, don’t give up and decide that just because you messed once you’ve failed…wake up the next morning and decide to eat better. Decide to be the person that you want to be. Take small steps everyday to improving your lifestyle and soon you will see it becomes easier and easier. Make the decision to go on walks or drink more water, with each small decision such as these you get closer and closer to your goal. I am positive that each and every one of you can get to your goal…but you are the only person that can get yourself there. You are responsible for yourself. Make the decision to try because no goal was ever accomplished without someone first trying to get there. Remember:


Look for my next blog…it will be on gaining muscle and size. Good luck! Until next time!


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